At the heart of The Immersive World Adventure lies a 4-day saga. This new Epic Immersive experience is a fully-narrative, fully-interactive cultural odyssey through cenotes, jungles, and ruins with a storyline of Shakespearean and mythological breadth.
The Immersive World Adventure, a 4-day retreat, summit, and immersive experience packed full of workshops to fuel your immersive knowledge, your business skills, your career, and the next chapter of your life. You'll awaken your senses, hone in on yourself as an epic hero on an epic quest, learn the secrets behind immersive smash hits like Meow Wolf and Then She Fell, and build the skills to take your career to the next level with extensive networking and workshops in pitching, fundraising, and business development. Your 4-day journey is holistic, sensory, concrete and practical, immediately actionable, and social as you emerge with the sense of self, newfound skills, and new network to make your wildest dreams into reality. And speaking of wildest dreams...